Adam is proudest of his work in helping to improve the lives of patients by ensuring the sustainability of hospitals and health systems.


Adam leads ZS’s provider practice area, helping to transform hospitals and health systems and supporting them from strategy through to execution. He has extensive experience across healthcare with health plans, providers, pharmaceutical, biotech and medtech companies. Adam has also led ZS’s European and North America West regions.


For over 25 years, Adam has worked almost exclusively in healthcare across North America and Europe, helping transform healthcare organizations. A few of his areas of focus include optimizing patient care pathways; creating sustainability through innovations in value-based contracting and digital solutions; and in research and clinical development, where he leverages real-world data and partnerships in life sciences.

Prior experience

Adam’s background is in actuarial science. Before joining ZS, Adam worked with health plans and group insurance at Mercer, helping employer groups achieve high-quality and affordable healthcare.


Adam holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, and an H.SC in statistics and actuarial science.