

Act.AI uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve how you engage customers and make decisions, enabling you to easily create integrated sales and marketing experiences that lead to more interactions, higher conversions and revenue growth.


Challenges we solve

Improve customer engagement

Examine historical behaviors and patterns to predict and improve future customer interactions.


Drive higher conversions and revenue

Across industries, it’s vital to invest in the right prospects, channels and content—at the right time. Act.AI can help you make smart investments and achieve more conversions. 

Create an integrated sales and marketing experience

In remote and hybrid environments, insights are critical to capture a single source of truth focused on customer and closed-loop engagement. 

Develop, iterate on and learn from campaigns

Act.AI makes it easier to design targeted-use, case-based campaigns, helping you monitor them, make necessary adjustments and repeat for lasting results. 


Act.AI drives AI-powered decision-making